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Collaboration releases new tool for imaging alerts

According to stakeholders, future applications of deep learning can extend beyond imaging data to analyze EHRs, pathology and cellular microscopy data to help develop targeted drugs and achieve greater precision in treatments.

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Better images expected to lead AI outcomes for 2019

BY Jeff Rowe | December 31, 2018

According to one stakeholder, AI’s ability to process and interpret vast amounts of data will spread across healthcare as a major advantage in 2019 and beyond.

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Radiology conference highlights imaging progress

BY Jeff Rowe | December 05, 2018

To maximize availability and accessibility, the cloud is increasingly a major means for the deployment of AI applications. 

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GE unveils new Edison AI platform

BY Jeff Rowe | November 30, 2018

According to the company, 90 percent of healthcare data comes from imaging, but just 3 percent of that data gets analyzed or put to work.