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GE unveils new Edison AI platform

BY Jeff Rowe | November 30, 2018

According to the company, 90 percent of healthcare data comes from imaging, but just 3 percent of that data gets analyzed or put to work.

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Providers eye new tech for smarter healthcare dashboards

BY Jeff Rowe | November 28, 2018

Could dashboards become more dynamic and useful using AI and machine learning?

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Sound planning key to successful AI implementation

BY Jeff Rowe | November 28, 2018

There’s a lot of buzz around AI-powered tools; the challenge lies in deploying them so they actually do some good.

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How AI can cut healthcare costs while improving patient care

BY Jeff Rowe | November 19, 2018

Among other things, artificial intelligence and machine learning can help organize the large amount of data stored within the healthcare industry, and turn a hindrance into an opportunity.

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Doctor, meet AI, your new diagnostic assistant

BY Jeff Rowe | November 16, 2018

In the future of healthcare, say experts, robots will be working alongside doctors to look after us, the patients.

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Alexa, show me my healthcare options

BY Jeff Rowe | November 16, 2018

According to a recent report,  the ubiquity of networked smart devices in society and growing comfort with at-home healthcare services are likely to expedite the spread of AI healthcare.

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Robot schools British policymakers on AI-driven elder care

BY Jeff Rowe | November 16, 2018

Assistive intelligent robots for older people could relieve pressure on hospitals and promote independent living for elderly people, the robot told MPs.