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AI could help radiologists read x-rays more quickly

BY Jeff Rowe | December 22, 2021

Radiologists and nonradiologists both performed better at spotting fractures on radiographs with the help of AI, doing so without additional required interpretation time.

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GE Healthcare gets FDA approval for AI critical care tool

BY Jeff Rowe | November 16, 2021

For purposes of accessibility, the new suite is embedded on a mobile x-ray device, enabling hospitals to try AI without making investments into additional IT infrastructure.

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New AI steps up to help radiologists spot abnormalities

BY Jeff Rowe | October 26, 2021

The researchers say their approach also enables different researcher groups to compare their models in a consistent and reproducible way.

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Retinal exams get deeper look via image-driven AI

BY Jeff Rowe | October 13, 2021

Among other things, the study will help develop a database of screening images from real-world environments that can be accessed in clinical settings to improve retinal disease diagnoses.

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How AI could save both lives and money in critical stroke care

BY Jeff Rowe | October 06, 2021

Using AI to aid in the detection of intracranial large vessel occlusion strokes could potentially save the healthcare system millions, according to a new analysis.

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New AI scan helps radiologists focus in on breast cancer

BY Jeff Rowe | October 05, 2021

Among other benefits, the team noted, having an automated system sort through scans may significantly ease the workload on busy radiologists.

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New AI improves accuracy of detecting colon cancer risk

BY Jeff Rowe | September 20, 2021

Adenoma detection rates and, conversely, adenoma miss rates vary greatly across physicians performing colonoscopies, with miss rates ranging from six percent to 41 percent.

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AI offers safer test for common heart conditions

BY Jeff Rowe | September 08, 2021

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which causes muscles to thicken and stiffen, thus reducing the heart’s ability to pump blood, is the most common genetic heart disease and cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes.

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Researchers enlist AI to help bring tissue slides into sharper focus

BY Jeff Rowe | August 31, 2021

Chemically staining tissue slides can be a time-consuming process for pathologists working to make accurate, timely diagnoses.