UK report cites need to combat fake news in AI development
There is strong support for AI among the public, a new UK report notes, as long as the “human element” of healthcare remains intact and the public is kept apprised of key developments.
Survey: docs overwhelmingly think AI can help with diagnostics
According to a new survey, three-quarters of clinicians say they think artificial intelligence can facilitate improvements in workflow efficiency and quality assurance in pathology.
While improving patient care, AI can also strengthen cyber security
The proliferation of healthcare IoT devices has exposed a vulnerable attack surface that can be exploited by cybercriminals determined to steal personally identifiable information and protected health information.
AI expert aims to calm fears of job market impacts
In addition to task-specific advantages, says an MIT AI expert, a digital world is one that is much lighter on the planet and has less impact, whether it's a digital book compared to a paper book, or videoconferencing compared to jet travel.
Fitness apps tap AI to expand range of client services
Still in their infancy, AI-driven platforms could one day disrupt the larger healthcare ecosystem if they succeed in predicting the onset of lifestyle diseases and nudging users to take corrective measures.
Tech giants shift investment to test new AI markets
As patients increasingly explore intersection between technology and healthcare, some very familiar tech players are trying to figure out the best way to help them.
Expert: ‘machine learning’ describes real promise of new health IT
With machine learning, says one stakeholder, a hospital’s intelligence is no longer simply artificial, but real and widely available too.
For AI, the future is increasingly now
Once a topic for futurists, experts anticipate an increasing number of AI innovations to impact healthcare significantly over the next decade.
Consumer group lines up digital giants to develop AI guidelines
The initiative, which aims to address AI in consumer health, fitness and wellness technology, will convene for the first time at CTA’s Technology & Standards Spring Forum in May.